Customer Testimonial


Every now and then we receive testimonials from our customers letting us know how much they love the service we provide. Here is the latest: 


I have to say ‘Thanks’ for the great service that you and your team at Traveling Mailbox have provided.  Initially I was skeptical that a virtual system would be able to manage my postal mail.  But after using your service for the last three months, I’ve been convinced otherwise.

Our business receives typical business correspondence such as financial statements and business offers, but also we receive a large amount of unique mail from local governments.  Since we keep multiple offices around the country we were having a hard time managing the flow of mail before you guys.  We kept missing packages, letters and other correspondence because we weren’t physically there.

This would often lead to begging friends and family to act as mail forwarders for us, which got quite annoying to them and caused us to have to buy larger and larger Christmas presents to show our appreciation.

Of course once we found you guys we able to consolidate all our mailing address to one location.  Now, a piece of mail comes in and goes directly to your center for processing.  Within moments we’re notified and able to review the documents in an easy review PDF file.  On top of all this, should we need the file we’re able to simply have it forwarded where ever we may be!  You have no idea how much frustration and time this has saved us.

I suppose now, we’ll be owing you guys a larger Christmas present this Holiday Season.

Thanks for putting a great service out there.


Mike Pierce
Building Hunter

The Traveling Mailbox team is committed to providing world class online postal mailbox solutions and we pride ourselves in providing top rate customer service. If you would like to submit your own testimonial, please email us at

This testimonial was provided by Mike Pierce of