3 Ways a Virtual Mailbox Can Make Life Easier


3 Ways a Virtual Mailbox Can Make Life Easier


Email, video messaging, social media, communication moves at the speed of light. Fortunately, with smartphones, tablets, and laptops, today’s professionals have the tools to keep up, while still making time for their fantasy football league.      

Nevertheless, one form of communication that remains stuck in the past is mail. Still living up to its “snail mail” nickname, today’s mail works very much like it did 50 years ago. Nevertheless, staying on top of the mail is just as important today as it was in the past.

Say hello to the virtual mailbox solution by TravelingMailbox.com. Bringing “snail mail” into the 21st Century, a virtual mailbox is an online mailbox attached to a physical address. As new mail arrives, subscribers receive an email notification with a picture of the front of the letter. Mail can then be scanned and uploaded online so that it can be read from anywhere in the world. Additionally, faxes can be received, and checks can be sent to a bank for depositing. Virtual mailboxes start at $15 a month.


Here are three situations where it pays to have a virtual mailbox:


Taxes: The last person that anyone wants to receive a letter from is the taxman. But like many government agencies, the IRS still sends its most important notices by mail. Whether it’s a tax refund, a notice of audit, or a letter about missing documents, a letter from the IRS should be dealt with immediately.

With a virtual mailbox, subscribers will know the moment a letter arrives from the IRS. Scanned pages can then be forwarded to an accountant or lawyer, and a digital copy of the letter kept for later viewing.  

As the saying goes, death and taxes are life’s only certainties. And although no digital tool can fend off the Grim Reaper, a virtual mailbox can help with the taxman when his letter arrives.     


Wedding Announcements: Although Facebook, Instagram and gossip may spread the news about an engagement faster than any mailman, wedding invitations are still sent out by mail. Ask any married couple, planning a wedding is half the battle. RSVPing on time can be the difference between sitting next to the bride and groom and sitting next to that crazy uncle who can’t remember anyone’s name.    
But if someone is on vacation, a wedding invitation can sit in the mailbox for weeks. Consequently, that beloved niece or nephew might wonder why their favorite aunt never responded to the invitation. Was it the stuffing they made last Thanksgiving?

With a virtual mailbox, a person can respond to a wedding invitation immediately. And when it comes time to hit the dance floor, that crazy uncle will just have to find another dance partner.


Credit Cards: In today’s digital economy, protecting one’s financial information is of the utmost importance. From online shopping to internet banking, personal financial information travels along the same digital highways as those used by hackers and identity thieves. With such high stakes, banks do their best to keep customers’ information out of the wrong hands.

For instance, customers must wait for personal identification numbers (PINs) to arrive by mail before activating their new debit cards. Additionally, when suspicious activity is noticed, and there’s reason to believe that a customer’s email has been hacked, a notification will be sent by mail.

These are just a few of the reasons that it pays to have a virtual mailbox. No matter where a person is in the world, they’ll know when a letter arrives that might affect their financial health.


While several virtual mailbox providers exist, for the best and most affordable solution visit TravelingMailbox.com, and never miss an important letter again.

Written by Matthew Allabastro